Best Investment Startup After Corona Lockdown

3 min readSep 28, 2020


Blockchain Community of India is a conglomerate that works together with its partners to infuse the latest technologies into traditional businesses like healthcare sector, education sector, banking, and finance sector, utility and e-commerce sector, hospitality sector, information technology sector, supply chain sector, in online payments popularly known as payment gateway to bring out the best in it. Hence it has a lineup of projects based on some of the best growing potential technologies like Blockchain and AI. These projects promise a world to its investors and are sure to grow in near future. Blockchain Community of India provides you some of the best investment startup after corona lockdown.

UPI Payment App by Blockchain Community of India

The company have floated a UPI Payment App, which is quite remarkable in the sense that you can make both online and offline payments through it. You can make your payments at any shopping destination without having need to connect to internet. This keeps you secure than by browsing through your credit card which could be hacked at such unknown shopping destinations. This area of business has high hopes and is known to grown by 148% by the year 2022. Hence again proving you that Blockchain Community of India is one of the best investment startup after corona lockdown.

Bitkart Exchange Currency Converter

Apart from this, we also have a currency converter that is ready to be floated into the market. This currency converter allows you to convert your flat currency into any other currency at current market rate. You can easily connect it to your bank and keep transacting as well as making profit out of it without having to depend on any third party or middleman. Some of the key points for Bitkart Exchange are that it allows FIAT currency P2P exchange and you can even make offline payments for your shopping and other needs. It also functions like a normal UPI and can be used to make payments of your day to day bills, hotel bookings, flight bookings, train bookings, bus bookings.

Upcoming Projects of Blockchain Community of India

Blockchain and AI Based Labs

With technologies like Blockchain and AI, we would be introducing a decentralized system for referral flow and early prediction of the cure. With time even the general patterns of the cure could be predicted by the system on its own and a radiologist would just be required to analyze it and confirm the prediction. Thus, he will be able to cater to more patients and thus would enable to charge lesser.

Blockchain and AI Based Hospitals

Blockchain and AI would be transforming the hospitals all together. They would Help medical insurance companies with more accurate medical history of patients. Will allow accurate medical record keeping. Will help find more appropriate patients for clinical trials as a lot of patient data would be available. And this is just the start of it.

Blockchain and AI Based Hotels

With introduction of Blockchain technology, a more secure payment systems would be possible in the hotel industry. This will ensure that there is no leakage or hacking of customer payment information when they will make an online payment at your hotel using debit or credit cards. This will provide more viability to partner hotels. It promises enhanced collaboration amongst different bodies in hospitality industry. And better tracking of loyalty programs.





Blockchain community India (BCI) is the extensive and significant concept of 21st century. It is the first Decentralised, Open Source community of India.

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